Windows error code 0x80070490 (windows update error) can be solved. Check out our guide for troubleshooting the Access error code and how to prevent it from coming back in the future.

What happens

This error code may appear when you are trying to connect to the Windows Update Web site or the Microsoft update Web site. The error may be the result of corruption in the Component Based Servicing (CBS) manifest.

Follow our instructions if error #0x80070490 happens

The first method is to run the System Update Readiness (Checksur.exe) tool, which is used to run a scan for any inconsistencies that prevent servicing operations. Download the tool and run it. For details on where to download it and how it works, go to: After you run the Checksur.exe tool, then attempt to install your updates again.

If the above tool does not address the issue, it will be necessary to do a repair installation of the Windows operating system. Perform a repair installation to restore the current Windows install to the version of the installation DVD. This is done by closing all applications and restarting the computer, and then inserting the Windows DVD into the computer’s DVD drive. Click Install Now in the Setup window. Click on “Go online to obtain the latest updates for installation”, enter in the CD key, and accept the licensing terms. Select “Upgrade” when asked “Which kind of installation do you want.” The installation will complete. Afterwards, restart your computer, and then install the updates.

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